International Health Workforce Recruiters

Interest in international career mobility and migration is growing.

CGFNS works with the international healthcare recruitment community in several important ways. As an immigration-neutral verification and evaluation company, we do not function in a recruitment capacity, nor do we promote or encourage migration. It is our role to validate job-readiness against regulatory standards for those seeking entry to practice in the countries for whom we provide services. But we do support the right of every global health worker to pursue education, employment, and advancement opportunities wherever they need to and at any point in their careers. For those who choose to take their portable skills and credentials to work in another country, we advocate for their fair and ethical recruitment, contracting, and job placement.

Our work with recruiters

We advance best practices for recruitment and management of global health workforce candidates through:

Awareness and education.

Many of the nurses and other health workers who apply to our verification and evaluation programs do so through an international recruiter. We work to educate those recruiters about the process and requirements for credentials verification and evaluation to support their workforce candidates, whether they function in an advisory capacity or as an authorized agent.

Evidence-based insights and research.

We support recruiting organizations and other stakeholders with data-driven analytics around global health worker mobility trends, drivers, and impactors, as well as with insights on migration-related issues such as economics and gender equality.

Ethical recruitment advocacy and certification.

The Alliance for Ethical International Recruitment Practices is CGFNS’ division that works to ensure that all foreign-educated health professionals are recruited fairly, ethically, and with transparency for employment in the U.S. and other recruiting/receiving countries. Through the Alliance, recruitment organizations can complete a rigorous application process to validate that their practices are compliant with the Alliance’s ethical code to earn Certified Ethical Recruiter (CER) status and recognition as such. The Alliance is guided by the Alliance Advisory Board, which is comprised of representatives of stakeholders from organizations with an interest in ethical recruitment.

Why get certified?


Be part of an alliance of recruiters shaping industry best practices.

Position your organization as an industry leader committed to ethical, responsible, and transparent recruitment and service as a third-party resource for healthcare professionals seeking guidance about their recruitment experience.


Earn recognition as an employer/recruiter of choice.

Set your business apart from other recruitment organizations with the Alliance Certification Seal and increase the global exposure of your business.


Gain access to Alliance member special services.

Certified Ethical Recruiters (CERs) are listed in the recruitment guide we share with healthcare professionals, gain an additional customer service inbox for urgent or complicated cases and have access to exclusive Alliance webinars and resources.


Get on the list of ethical recruiters available to healthcare professionals.

CERs are listed in educational materials and on the Alliance website for health workers seeking a certified recruiter.

More info

* 2020-2022, per the Economics of Nurse Migration Report, 2023.
** Per the Economics of Nurse Migration Report, 2023.

CGFNS International is now TruMerit™  Read More