VisaScreen® Reprocess of an expired order

Purpose: Your VisaScreen® order will expire if it is not completed within 12 months of your application. You can reprocess your expired order, which will allow you another 12 months to submit the necessary documentation to obtain certification.

Note: Reprocessing an expired order should not be confused with renewing VisaScreen® certification.

Eligibility: You cannot apply for a reprocess of your expired order until the order status shows as Expired. You have 12 months from the expiration date of the order to purchase the reprocess service. An order can only be reprocessed one time. Only one reprocess application is accepted after an initial application expires.

How to order: Once your VisaScreen® order status becomes Expired, you can reprocess it by following these instructions:

  1. Log into your CGFNS Connect account.
  2. Choose the option to purchase CGFNS Services.
  3. At the service selection screen, choose VisaScreen® – Reprocess Application.
  4. If it is within a year of your order’s expiration date, you will be automatically prompted to order the reprocess service
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