FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Becoming a Nurse in the United States

Foreign educated nurses seeking to practice in the U.S. must apply for a license with a state board of nursing in the jurisdiction where they wish to work. Once you have applied for licensure, the state board of your choice will require that all documents related to your education and professional qualification (licensure) will need to be verified, authenticated and evaluated by a credentials evaluation organization before you can sit for the NCLEX examination.

CGFNS has more than 45 years’ experience in the field of credentials evaluation. Our evaluation reports are accepted by all state-level regulators, employers and federal immigration authorities if you are applying for an occupational visa to enter and work in the United States.

The National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). All state nursing boards require passing this exam for licensure as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse.

CGFNS provides all services necessary for foreign educated nurses to work as a nurse in the United States. Visit this link to see the requirements in different states.

CGFNS offers a variety of services for foreign educated nurses who want to migrate and to become licensed to work in the U.S. We authenticate and verify documents from schools and licensing authorities around the world. We evaluate educational coursework (including credit/clock hours) and compare them to U.S. standards. Our services include the Certification Program (CP)Credentials Evaluation Service (CES) Professional ReportCredentials Evaluation Service (CES) Academic Report , VisaScreen®: Visa Credentials Assessment (VS), and Credential Verification Service for New York State (CVS).

The Certification Program® (CP) is required by some state boards of nursing for RN licensure instead of (or as an alternative to) the CES Professional Report. The CP requires you to pass the CGFNS Qualifying Exam® for first-level, registered nurses. It also includes a credentials evaluation of secondary (high school) and nursing education and registration, as well as demonstration of having passed one of the accepted English language proficiency exams.

When successfully completed, you will receive the CGFNS Certification Program Certificate, which serves as proof that you have met all of the following requirements: review of your nursing education, your secondary school education, and your license to determine comparability to U.S. standards, as well as passing the CGFNS Qualifying Exam and meeting the English proficiency requirements. You can request CGFNS to send the Certificate to the state board of your choice to meet requirements for taking the NCLEX® exam. The CGFNS Certification Program Certificate is valid for life.

When successfully completed, applicants receive the CGFNS Certification Program Certificate. They can request CGFNS to send an official verification to the state board of their choice. The document will serve official requirement to take the NCLEX® exam. The CGFNS Certification Program Certificate is valid for life.

To receive a CES Report, you must have received your nursing education from a nationally recognized institution that is accredited by the nursing authority in your country. The report will compare the nursing education you received to U.S. standards, evaluating educational comparability across nursing core areas. The receiving U.S. state nursing board will use this information to determine whether your education is comparable to that of a first level nurse (RN) or a second level nurse (LPN/LVN) and thereby decide whether you will take the NCLEX-RN or the NLCLEX-PN. The report will also validate your current license and provide an assessment of your licensing history, if required by the state nursing board where you are applying.

Also, this report can be used by an employer to determine what positions you qualify for in their organization.

  • It provides a detailed analysis of the credentials earned at multiple levels of nursing education received outside the United States according to requirements specific to a state.
  • It includes a statement of comparability of an applicant’s education when measured against U.S. standards.

The CES Academic Report is designed to meet the needs of applicants pursuing further education in U.S. institutions of higher learning. It provides a detailed analysis of the nursing education received outside the U.S., a comparability assessment of an applicant’s education when measured against U.S. standards, and a listing of all courses with suggested U.S semester credits/clock hours and grades. This report is advisory in nature and used for academic placement.

The CGFNS VisaScreen® is a comprehensive screening program for some health care professionals, including nurses, who are not U.S. citizens and are seeking an occupational visa to work in the United States. Immigration authorities in the U.S. require applicants to be screened before they can receive either a permanent or temporary occupational visa, including Trade NAFTA status.

The VisaScreen® verifies that relevant licenses are valid and without restrictions, and it assesses an applicant’s education to ensure that it is comparable to that of a U.S. graduate in the same profession. It also verifies that the applicant has achieved English language proficiency. For registered nurses only, the VisaScreen® verifies that the nurse has passed either the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®, NCLEX-RN® or, for select years, its predecessor the State Board Test Pool Examination (SBTPE).

Applicants who successfully complete VisaScreen® receive an official ICHP (International Commission on Healthcare Professions) Certificate for the VisaScreen®: Visa Credentials Assessment Service, which satisfies the United States federal screening requirements. ICHP is a division of CGFNS International.

The Credential Verification Service for New York State (CVS) verifies the authenticity of international education and licensure credentials for the State of New York. The service is for those health care professionals educated outside the United States who wish to practice in New York. As specified by the state, CGFNS International completes a verification of foreign education and credentials. The New York State Education Department then completes the actual evaluation of the verified credentials.

CGFNS International works with the Nursing Council of New Zealand verifies and authenticates identity documents, academic and professional credentials, and nursing employment of nurses wishing to work in that country. More information can be found at the CVS-NZ website. CGFNS also provides support to Canada’s National Nursing Assessment Service for migrating nurses wishing to become licensed to practice in that country.

Choosing the Correct CGFNS International Service for Nurses

For nurses educated outside of the United States, the first step to practicing as a nurse in the U.S. is to apply for a license with a state board of nursing. All state boards require the NCLEX® examination-RN/PN, and each state will have specific requirements to determine comparability of those educated outside of the United States.

Prior to sitting for the NCLEX®, state boards usually require that a credentials evaluation service assess and verify your education and licensure to determine if you meet their licensing requirements. These services can be provided by CGFNS International.

List of the: CGFNS services accepted by each state board.

We recommend that you consult with the individual state board’s website for the full details of what is required to apply for licensure.

Here is a summary of each CGFNS service:

Credentials Evaluation Service (CES) Professional Report meets the specific requirements of individual state boards of nursing. It provides:

  • A detailed analysis of the credentials earned at multiple levels of nursing education received outside the United States according to requirements specific to a state board, employer, or certification organization.
  • Authentication and evaluation of professional qualification (licensure) held by the applicant where they currently are authorized to practice.
  • A statement of comparability of an applicant’s education when measured against U.S. standards.

The Certification Program (CP) includes:

  • CGFNS Qualifying Exam® for first-level, general nurses.
  • A credentials evaluation of secondary and nursing education and registration.
  • Demonstration of passing one of the accepted English language proficiency examinations.

When all requirements are successfully completed, applicants receive the CGFNS CP Certificate and an official verification letter can be sent to the respective state board requiring this assessment as a prerequisite for authorization to take the NCLEX® exam-RN. The CP Certificate is valid for life.

Credentials Evaluation Service (CES) Academic Report is designed to meet the needs of applicants pursuing further education in U.S. institutions of higher learning for academic placement. The CES Academic Report provides:

  • A detailed analysis of the credentials earned at multiple levels of nursing education received outside the United States.
  • A statement of comparability of an applicant’s education when measured against U.S. standards for academic placement.
  • A listing of all courses with suggested U.S. semester credits and grades.

The CES Professional and Academic Reports are advisory in nature and does not make recommendations based on the outcome of the assessment.

VisaScreen®: Visa Credentials Assessment (VS) certification is a comprehensive screening program for health care professionals who are not U.S. citizens and are seeking an occupational visa to work in the United States. The VisaScreen® requires that specific health care professionals complete a screening program before they can receive either a permanent or temporary occupational visa, including Trade NAFTA status. The VisaScreen®: Visa Credentials Assessment Service provides:

  • An assessment of an applicant’s education to determine comparability to that of a U.S. graduate in the same profession.
  • A verification that all professional healthcare licenses that an applicant ever held are/were valid, without restrictions and not revoked.
  • An English language proficiency examination.
  • For registered nurses only, a verification that the nurse has passed either the CGFNS Qualifying Exam®, NCLEX-RN® or for select years, its predecessor, the State Board Test Pool Examination (SBTPE).

Applicants who successfully complete VisaScreen® receive an official ICHP Certificate for the VisaScreen®: Visa Credentials Assessment Service, which satisfies the United States Federal screening requirements. ICHP (International Commission on Healthcare Professions) is a division of CGFNS International. The ICHP Certificate for VisaScreen® is valid for five years.

Credential Verification Service for New York State (CVS) verifies the authenticity of international education and licensure credentials for the State of New York. This service is for those healthcare professionals educated outside the United States who wish to practice in New York. As specified by the state, CGFNS completes a verification of foreign education and credentials. The New York State Education Department then completes the actual evaluation of the verified credentials. Credential Verification Service for New York State (CVS) provides:

  • A verification of foreign education and credentials assessed by CGFNS.
  • An evaluation of the verified credentials approved by the New York State Education Department.

CGFNS Standards and Policies

While CGFNS maintains a permanent record of all applicants’ names and service histories, it is not a permanent repository of applicant documents. CGFNS’s document retention policy is as follows:

  • All documents submitted, including transcripts, become the property of CGFNS International and cannot be returned to you. Do not send original diplomas, degrees, certificates, registration or licenses.
  • Documents submitted by an applicant to obtain a CGFNS service will be deleted four years from the date of the applicant’s last submitted order.
  • Documents submitted by an applicant in support of obtaining the CGFNS VisaScreen®: Visa Credentials Assessment Service will be deleted five years from the date of the applicant’s last submitted order.

If you would like CGFNS to store your documents beyond the retention periods described above, you may purchase additional years of electronic document storage by ordering our eSAVED™ service. For more information, read our eSAVED™ FAQs.

It is CGFNS’s policy to not disclose any information to a third party regarding an applicant’s order status or the information contained in an applicant’s files. This policy is to ensure that an applicant’s privacy is maintained throughout the application process. 

If you, the applicant, want a third party to contact CGFNS on your behalf such as a relative, a lawyer, an employer, or a recruiter, we require signed, written authorization from you.  Please use the Authorization to Release Information Form which can be downloaded from the CGFNS website.  This form must be submitted to CGFNS by mail or courier. It cannot be faxed or emailed to CGFNS.

When you submit an Authorization to Release Information Form, the person listed on the form will automatically become your authorized agent. The contact information you provide on the Authorization to Release Information Form will become the primary contact information used to send notifications and correspondence to you, the applicant. Revocation of this authorization must be submitted in writing to CGFNS.

1. What is CGFNS’s information privacy policy?

As part of CGFNS’s information policy, CGFNS will not disclose any information to any third party regarding an applicant’s order status or the information contained in an applicant’s files.

2. What if I want a third party to contact CGFNS on my behalf?

If you want a third party to contact CGFNS on your behalf, you must fill out an Authorization to Release Information Form and send it to CGFNS by mail or courier. The Authorization to Release Information Form cannot be faxed or emailed to CGFNS.

3. After I send the Authorization to Release Information Form, how do I proceed to correspond with CGFNS?

Once you submit an Authorization to Release Information Form, the third party listed on the form automatically becomes your authorized agent to receive and send all future correspondence on your behalf.

CGFNS works to ensure that all foreign-educated professionals are recruited in a fair, ethical, and transparent manner for employment in the United States regardless of their ethnicity, race, or nationality.

If you are a refugee or seeking refugee status in the United States, you need to self-identify your refugee status by contacting our Customer Care Service before applying for any CGFNS services, at: + 1 (215) 222 8454.


Credentials Evaluation Service

The applications for the Credentials Evaluation Service (CES) Professional and the CES Academic Report are completed online. To apply for a CES Professional or Academic Report, you will first need to create a CGFNS Connect account, log in and place an order. The account platform will guide you in determining which type of order you will need to place. For example:

  • If you have never placed an order for a CES Professional or Academic Report, you will be prompted to place an initial service order at full cost.
  • If your previous CES order has expired within the last year due to inactivity, you will be prompted to place a reprocess order.
  • If you have already had a Professional or Academic Report completed, you will be prompted to place a re-evaluation order.

1. What if I have never placed an order for a CES Report?

If you have never placed an order for the CES with CGFNS, once you log in to your CGFNS Connect account and proceed to order the Credentials Evaluation Service, our website will prompt you to place an initial service order at full cost.

2. What if I previously placed an order for a CES Report, but the order expired within the last year due to inactivity?

If you previously placed an order for the CES, but the order expired after 12 months of inactivity, our website will prompt you to place a reprocess order.

3. What if I already had a credentials evaluation assessment done with CGFNS and received a CES Professional or CES Academic Report?

If you previously had a credentials evaluation assessment done with CGFNS and received a CES Report based on that evaluation, our website will prompt you to place a re-evaluation order.

If you previously ordered a credential evaluation service (CES) for the purpose of obtaining a Professional or Academic Report, and if you need another report to be sent to either a new recipient or a previous recipient, you can order a CES re-evaluation at a reduced fee.

You can order a CES re-evaluation by following these simple steps:

  • Log into your CGFNS Connect account and choose the option to purchase a CGFNS service.
  • At the service selection menu, choose “Credentials Evaluation Service (CES).”
  • Select the type of report you require (Professional or Academic) and type in the name of the designated report recipient where prompted to do so.
  • If you previously ordered a report of the SAME type, you will be automatically prompted to order a re-evaluation.

Please note that for CES re-evaluation, the credentials assessment is geared towards the requirements of the report recipient that you have designated. Also, any new information that has been submitted since your last evaluation will be included in the re-evaluation process.

1. During the re-evaluation process, will I need to update any of the documents I previously submitted for my initial CES order?

Depending on the documents under consideration, you may need to provide updated documentation. For example, for reports that require verification of your licensure, updated validation may be required for the re-evaluation process if the licensure information on file is more than three years old. In some cases, licensure information that is more than a year old may need to be updated.

2. I had a previous CES order that I placed before January 2011 that resulted in a Healthcare and Science Report or a Full Course-by-Course Report. Can I order a CES Re-evaluation under these circumstances?

No. A CES re-evaluation can be ordered only if your previous CES order included a request for a Professional Report or Academic Report. If you previously ordered a Healthcare and Science Report or a Full Course-by-Course Report, a new order for a CES Professional Report or Academic Report must be ordered. In this instance, the procedures relating to the standard Credentials Evaluation Service, including associated fees, would apply.

3. I previously ordered a CES which resulted in the issuance of an Academic Report. Can I order a CES re-evaluation for the issuance of a Professional Report at this time?

No. If a previous order was for one report type, only this report type can be reissued with a CES re-evaluation. In your case, since your previous order was for a CES resulting in the issuance of an Academic Report, you can order a re-evaluation of the Academic Report only.

NOTE: CGFNS does not accept the at-home versions of English Language Proficiency exams.

There are currently several states in the U.S. that require that an English Language Proficiency Report be attached to the Credentials Evaluation Service (CES) Report. To check updated requirements for each state, please refer to our select a state tool.

The English Language Proficiency Report cost can be found on the Fee Schedule page. This fee is in addition to the fee charged for the Credentials Evaluation Service (CES).

If you apply for the CES for a state that requires the English Language Proficiency Report (Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Virginia, and Wisconsin) AND you are not eligible for exemption from taking an English language proficiency examination, you are required to submit scores from an acceptable English language proficiency exam authority before your CES report will be issued by CGFNS to a specific state board of nursing.

1. I ordered a CES for a state that requires an English Language Proficiency Report. How can I determine if I am exempt from taking an English language proficiency examination?

To be exempt from having to take an English language proficiency examination, you must meet the following two criteria:

  • Your entry-level professional education must have occurred in the United Kingdom, Australia, Barbados, Canada (excluding Quebec), Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, South Africa, Trinidad & Tobago, or the United States.
  • English must have been the language of instruction, including the language of the textbooks.

2. If I meet these two criteria, do I need to take an English language proficiency examination?

No. You do not need to take an English language proficiency examination if you meet these two criteria.

3. If I am exempt from taking an English language proficiency exam, can I pay a reduced fee for the English Language Proficiency Report?

No. Even if you are exempt from taking an English language proficiency exam, the English Language Proficiency Report still costs $85 USD (price subject to change, check the portal for up-to-date pricing). There is no fee reduction.

4. If I am not eligible for exemption and am required to take an English language proficiency examination, what are acceptable English language proficiency examinations for the purpose of the English Language Proficiency Report?

CGFNS International requires evidence of English-language competency for both spoken and written English passing scores on one of the following approved exams:

  • Cambridge English (B2 First, C1 Advanced, or C2 Proficiency exams)
  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
  • MET (Michigan English Test)
  • OET (Occupational English Test)
  • Pearson PTE Academic
  • TOEFL iBT (Test of English as a Foreign Language, Internet-based Test)
  • TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)

Exam scores must be less than two years old and must be submitted directly to CGFNS by the testing agency.

5. I am applying for a Credentials Evaluation Service (CES) for use in one of the eight states that requires an English Language Proficiency Report. I am exempt from taking an English language proficiency examination. Do I still need to submit an English Language Proficiency Report?

Yes. If you apply for the CES for one of the eight states listed herein that requires the English Language Proficiency Report AND you are exempt from taking an English language proficiency examination, you are still required to attach an English Language Proficiency Report to the Credentials Evaluation Service (CES) Report.

6. I am applying for a CES for a state that is not listed above. Do I still need to show English language proficiency? 

Maybe. States that do not require the English Language Proficiency Report still set their own requirements regarding English language proficiency. If you are planning on applying for licensure with a state board not listed above, we recommend you consult with the individual state board to determine what proof of English language proficiency is required.

Purpose: Because of the high volume of CES orders, application processing time may vary based on many factors such as the complexity of the application. Many applications are processed in fewer than 12 weeks from receipt and approval of all required documents. For applicants who would like to reduce this review time, we offer an Expedited Review Service for the CES Professional and Academic reports. A review will take place as soon as possible once all required documents have been received.

Note: The expedited review service does not guarantee that your CES Professional or Academic report will be issued. Additional information may be required upon review of your file. In this instance, your report will remain incomplete until the requested documentation has been submitted and your documentation is in full compliance with report recipient’s requirements.

How to order: You can opt for the Expedited Review Service ONLY to an existing order that is open, active and all required documents have been received using the following steps:

  1. Log into your CGFNS Connect account
  2. Choose the option to purchase CGFNS Services
  3. At the service selection screen, choose Additional CGFNS Services
  4. At the Additional CGFNS Services menu, choose the Expedited Review Service for an existing CES order

Note: The cost for the Expedited Review Service varies depending on what type of CES report you are ordering, please refer to our Fee Schedule Page for up-to-date pricing information.

Purpose: If your CES order is not completed within a year’s time due to inactivity, it will expire. You can reprocess your expired order, which will allow you another year to submit the necessary documentation to obtain a CES Professional or Academic Report.

Eligibility: You cannot apply for a reprocess of your expired order until the order status becomes expired. You have one year from the expiration date of the order to purchase the reprocess service. An order can be reprocessed only once. If your order expires a second time, a new order must be placed at full cost to continue with the service.

How to order: Once your CES order status becomes expired, you can reprocess it by following these instructions:

  1. Log into your CGFNS Connect account.
  2. Choose the option to purchase CGFNS Services.
  3. At the service selection screen, choose Credentials Evaluation Service (CES).
  4. At the recipient selection screen, choose the same type of report and recipient as your expired order.
  5. If it is within a year of your order’s expiration date, you will be automatically prompted to order the reprocess service

CGFNS currently offers two types of CES reports. We suggest you contact the state board of nursing, employer, certification or college/university receiving your CES report and ask which type of report that they require.

  • Professional Report: This report meets the specific requirements of individual state boards of nursing for licensure, employers and certification organizations. It includes a statement of comparability of an applicant’s education when measured against U.S. standards.
  • Academic Report: This report is designed to meet the needs of applicants pursuing further education in U.S. institutions of higher learning for academic placement.

Technical support

CGFNS only accepts credit cards as a payment method.

For each of our services, you can complete an application and make a payment online using your credit card. CGFNS International accepts:

  • Visa
  • Master Card
  • Discover

For three of our services, the Certification ProgramVisaScreen®: Visa Credentials Assessment, and the International Standards for Professional Nurses (ISPN) Program, a passport photograph is required.

There are two ways to submit a photograph:

Instructions for uploading a photograph:

  • You should see a photo box containing the words “Applicant Photo Not Available” at the screen when you first log in.
  • Click on the link “Upload your passport-sized photo online” next to the photo box.
  • You will see a list of criteria the photo must meet to be accepted.
  • Beneath the list is a button to browse your computer for a .jpg or .jpeg image file.

Please note: Crop your photo around the head and shoulders in portrait shape to avoid distortion when uploaded.

  • After you have selected an image file and uploaded it, you will see how the photo will appear. You can then save it or upload a different one.
  • Once you save your photo, you will not be able to upload a new one unless you contact CGFNS and request that your previous photo be deleted.
  • If you are placing an order to renew your VisaScreen®certificate and need to upload a new photograph, you will be able to do so after you have placed your order.

We recommend using the newest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, or Firefox browsers to ensure compatibility with our websites.

CGFNS Connect uses a SSL certificate to provide secure, encrypted communications between a website and an internet browser.

Depending on your browser or location, you may need to manually add the certificate before accessing the website. Try downloading a certificate file and installing it on your computer or importing it into your browser. Please see the site below for clarifications:

Also, here are is a helpful links for clearing your DNS cache:

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