Credential Transfer Portal

To support international mobility for health professionals worldwide, CGFNS has launched the online Credential Transfer Portal (CTP) for educational institutions and licensing authorities to submit information to CGFNS electronically. The Portal enables educational organizations to submit academic records on behalf of their graduates and enables regulatory bodies to submit licensure or registration verifications on behalf of their registrants – safely, securely, and more conveniently than ever.

The new portal eliminates the need for organizations to send paper verifications to CGFNS.

To use the CGFNS Credential Transfer Portal, organizations must have a website domain that ends in .edu, .ac, .org, .gov and a request to use the Portal must be approved by an executive of the institution (Dean, Registrar, Principal, Provost, Vice President, other person in higher authority). This is to ensure that credentials are received from authorized sources through official means.

At this time, the Credential Transfer Portal is only available for nursing professionals. Other health professionals will be available in the future.

For additional information, please review the FAQs and Resources.

Request to Use the CGFNS Credential Transfer Portal

To establish a CGFNS Credential Transfer Portal Account, an authorized representative of an organization may submit a request by completing the following information:

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Using the Portal is free.

Organizations must have an organizational website domain that is .edu, .ac, .gov, or .org.

An employee of the organization must complete the “Request to Use the CGFNS Credential Transfer Portal” form. CGFNS will review the request and will respond to organizational employees within 10 business days.

No more than six. Additional users may be requested once you have enrolled in the Credential Transfer Portal.

Requests to join the Portal must come from key executives or administrators of the organization, or managers with responsibilities for credentialing activities. Requests by other individuals, such as students and applicants, will not be considered.

An executive (Dean, Registrar, Principal, Provost, Vice President, other person in higher authority) at the organization is required to approve requests to join the CGFNS Credential Transfer Portal.

Send this webpage link to executive and credentialing offices via email or LinkedIn.

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While the portal is easily accessible via a mobile device (Android and iOS), for best user experience, we recommend:

  • Microsoft Edge (version 87 or higher), Google Chrome (version 84 or higher), or Safari (version 12 or higher) browser.
  • Internet Connection 10 Mbps or higher recommended.
  • Windows 7 or Higher or MAC OS Mac OS X 10.13.

Please note that Internet Explorer (including Edge IE Mode) is not supported.

It may take up to 10 business days to review the request and ensure that the organization meets the CGFNS participation requirements.

CGFNS will be working on the technology to allow organizations to submit other health professional credentials. More information will be available soon. If you are a verifying organization interested in providing credentials for other health professions electronically, please contact CGFNS at

Yes, a shared email account can be used if associated with the organizational domain name.

Yes, to meet organizational needs accounts may be set up by campus, college, school, faculty, or department.

A video and instructional User Guide will be provided upon enrollment. CGFNS dedicated staff will also be available to support organizations and their designated staff through the transition process.

CGFNS is committed to respecting the privacy and the intent of our customers. We utilize and disclose customer information in struct accordance with our Privacy Policy. CGFNS also has systems and procedures in place to protect and secure data and ensure the integrity of our services. Data is secured in-transit with SSL RSA Encryption of 2048 bits or higher, and at-rest within SOC-2 and/or ISO-27001 compliant facilities. Access to customer data is restricted and monitored.

If you have a request regarding the CGFNS Credential Transfer Portal, please email us.

Please note, unfortunately applicant documentation sent via email to will not be accepted. Emails with applicant documentation included will not be responded to. For electronic transmission of documentation, please complete the Request to Use the CGFNS Credential Transfer Portal form. We thank you for your attention to this message.

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